- Band: The Smiths
- Album Title: The Queen is Dead
- Release Date: June 16, 1986
- Genre: indie pop, jangle pop, alt rock
- Label: Rough Trade
- Personel: Morrissey, Johnny Marr, Andy Rourke, Mike Joyce
- When Did I First Hear This: Mid-end April 2023
- Do I own this album: Not yet, but I will soon since I asked for it for christmas!
- The Queen is Dead
- Frankly, Mr. Shankly
- I Know it's Over
- Never Had No One Ever*
- Cemetry Gates*
- Bigmouth Strikes Again
- The Boy with the Thorn in His Side
- Vicar in a Tutu
- There is a Light that Never Goes Out
- Some Girls are Bigger than Others*
I think this album is very lovely. I really like the sound of that british jangle pop, it's a nice vibe. This album didn't really hook me at first, but I've grown to cherish it. It has a nice jokey thing going for it, doesn't take itself too seriously while also taking itself seriously (don't know how to explain that). I really love Marr's guitar on this album, especially Some Girls are Bigger than Others. That melodic intro at the beginning immediately puts me at ease. Also, I remember sobbing uncontrollably to Never Had No One Ever back in April because of my failing relaionship with [insert family member here], so that was nice. I think the quality drops a little in the second half, but I still really enjoy this album.
Rating:★★★★☆ (4/5)