- Band: New Order
- Album Title: Power, Corruption and Lies
- Release Date: May 2, 1983
- Genre: synth pop, new wave, post punk
- Label: Factory
- Personel: Bernard Sumner, Peter Hook, Stephen Morris, Gilian Gilbert
- When Did I First Hear This: Mid March of 2023
- Do I own this album: Yes! On CD. The version I have also has blue monday and the beach as bonus tracks.
- Age of Consent
- We All Stand*
- The Village
- 5 8 6
- Your Silent Face*
- Ultraviolence*
- Ecstasy
- Leave Me Alone
I absolutely love this album. It's not my favorite New Order album (that one goes to Movement, but PCL is second place), but the whole thing is such a banger. I really like the use of synths along with traditional instruments on this thing. It's a fun, light-hearted, bouncy sounding album, but I find some of the lyrics could have more deep, hidden meanings (take the lyrics to Your Silent Face for example, it's seems very likely that they're refrencing Ian Curtis). One of my favorite things about this album is the production, it just sounds more organic to me??? I see this album as the shift from the previous Joy Division sounding Movement, to their well known New Order sound.
My favorite song from this album is We All Stand. I've loved it since the first listen, the whole thing just kind of puts me in a trance where there's just this brooding, meloncholy, with a twinge of carelessness (in a good way). It's just perfect. Love Hookey's bass and Barney's lyrics. A great song to sing along to at random intervals. Also, special shoutout to Your Silence Face for having an amazing string-sounding synth arangment.Just love this whole album.
P.S. Fun fact, I have the Qwest records CD of this album, which includes Blue Monday and The Beach (which is just an instrumental Blue Monday, really). Lucky me >:)
Rating:★★★★☆ (4.3/5)